Most EVs charge at home where it’s v cheap but even fast charging isn’t too bad
Cost/km to drive EV using fast chargers
There are many studies showing overall EVs cost a lot less than gas cars to drive per km driven. They usually concentrate on the cost when charging at home, which is what most people will do with their EVs most of the time. But I was doing the “worst possible” thing — charging my car mainly at paid fast chargers, and in winter (when charging goes more slowly, so costs paid by the hour are higher, and you use more electricity per Km because of the need to heat your cabin).
Obviously numbers will vary by vehicle, outside temperature etc but taking Feb 20 when I set out, which simplifies matters because all Newfoundland fast charging stations are billed using Chargepoint, I spent 5.57 hours charging. This cost $76.67 and gave me 217kWh which = about 870Km of range for my car — so about $.087 per Km. It was not that cold though at that point — hovering around 0? So the cost could have risen a bit later on.
Again though — with better charging speed (mine was not as fast as it could/should have been even given the winter cold for reasons I will be investigating), warmer temperatures or a more efficient car costs would be correspondingly lower, and as long as most of the time you are not driving more than half your range away from your home or work in one journey an EV driver won’t need to worry about fast charging costs.